Undergraduate/Graduate University Students:
- Introduction to Anthropology (Anthropology, /The University of Alabama)
- Research Methods in Anthropology (Anthropology, The University of Alabama)
- Medical Anthropology (Anthropology, The University of Alabama)
- Contemporary Issues in Medicine (Community Health Sciences, The University of Alabama)
- Basic Epidemiology (Community Health Sciences, The University of Alabama)
- Latin American Studies Seminar: Brazil (Latin American Studies, The University of Alabama)
- Special Topics in Medical Behavioral Science (Community Health Sciences, The University of Alabama)
- Evaluative Research (School of Social Work, The University of Alabama)
- Doctoral Research Practicum (School of Social Work, The University of Alabama)
- Africans in the Americas (Anthropology, The University of Alabama)
- Culture, Health and Healing (Anthropology, The University of Alabama)
- Cognitive Anthropology (Anthropology, The University of Alabama)
- Measurement and Data Analysis in Social Work (Social Work, The University of Alabama)
- The Concept of Culture (School of Social Work, The University of Alabama)
- Multivariate Data Analysis (Anthropology, The University of Alabama)
- Writing Successful Proposals (School of Social Work, The University of Alabama)
- Anthropology and Epidemiology (Anthropology, The University of Alabama)
- Antropologia Cognitiva (Psicologia, Universidade de São Paulo)
Continuing Education:
- Short Courses in Research Methods: Social Survey Research in Anthropology (2006)
- Demystifying SPSS (Workshop, Society for Applied Anthropology, 2007)
- Short Courses in Research Methods:
- Social Survey Research in Anthropology (2007)
- Demystifying SPSS (Workshop, American Anthropological Association, 2007)
Medical Students:
- Longitudinal Primary Care Clerkship (Course master, 1980-1982): responsible for coordinating curriculum; planning and operation; teaching responsibilities: behavioral factors in disease, culture and health, social support systems, clinical social science)
- Internal Medicine Clerkship (participate in conferences and teaching rounds)
- Psychiatry Clerkship (participate in conferences)
- Pediatrics Clerkship (participate in conferences and teaching rounds)
- Family/Community Medicine Clerkship (supervise students in the community)
- Rural/Community Medicine (supervise students in the community)
Family Practice Residency:
- First Year Resident Conferences (participant in teaching various topics on the family and health)
- Continuing Medical Education (Noon Conferences):
- The Genetics of Hypertension
- Behavioral Factors in the Management and Treatment of Hypertension
- Adaptation to Coronary Artery Disease
- Social Support and Health Stress and Heart Disease
- Sociocultural Factors in Obesity
- Current Research at CCHS
Areas of Teaching Interest:
- Medical Anthropology, Research Methods, Culture Theory, Latin American Societies, Social Stratification, Ethnicity and Disease, Social Stress.